Myokinematic Massage Therapy
After A Motor Vehicle Collision
Know How To Access The Care You Need
In Saskatchewan, if you have sustained soft tissue injuries as a result of a motor vehicle collision, you are able to access treatment under your SGI motor vehicle insurance. Treatment may include physiotherapy, chiropractic, massage therapy and acupuncture.
After an accident, you MUST contact the SGI Injury Claims Centre to report your injury and start the claim process. Assessment of the injury by a medical doctor, physiotherapist, chiropractor or nurse practitioner will be vital in determining the appropriate course of care. Once you have an approved injury claim you are able to access massage therapy and acupuncture care at our clinic.

Once the initial assessment is complete and a treatment plan has been submitted to your insurance adjuster, you are able to access a variety of soft tissue therapies to address your soft tissue injuries. The eligible sessions are directly billed to SGI so that no out of pocket expenses are incurred.